LocalDate API has an improved way of working with date, many developers struggle to get a current date without time, java 8 made it simple with its factory method now(). Now
Obtains the current date from the system clock in the default time-zone.
LocalDate.now contains three overloaded methods
Gets the current system date without time
Gets the current system date based on its system default zone id
Converts the current system date to zone id and returns its date as LocalDate
import java.time.LocalDate; public class LocalDateTest { public static void main(String[] args) { LocalDate currentDate= LocalDate.now(); LocalDate currentDateBySystemTZ=LocalDate.now(Clock.systemDefaultZone()); LocalDate currentDateByTZ=LocalDate.now(ZoneId.of("Europe/Paris")); System.out.println("Current date : "+currentDate); System.out.println("Current date by system time zone : "+ currentDateBySystemTZ); System.out.println("Current date by Europe/Paris time zone : "+ currentDateByTZ); } }
Current date : 2020-02-03
Current date by system time zone : 2020-02-03
Current date by Europe/Paris time zone : 2020-02-03