Java Examples

Find the index of the largest number in an array

This simple example shows you how to find the index of largest number in an array using simple for loop

Step 1:

    Assign array value

    Assume largest number as array’s first value and its index as 0

Step 2:

    Iterate array using a for loop.

Step 3:

    Check max value is smaller than array current value, if true reassign the max value and its index position

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public class LargestNumberIndex 
	public static void main(String[] args) 

		int a[] = new int[] { 12, 44, 23, 56, 23, 78, 13 };

		int max = a[0];
		int index = 0;

		for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) 
			if (max < a[i]) 
				max = a[i];
				index = i;
		System.out.println("Index position of Maximum value in an array is  :  " + index);


Index position of Maximum value in an array is  :  5